WA-和- 京都を背景に踊る

WA-和- 🇯🇵 produced by MIZUKA & ANNA | FUN-BEAT Dance School

In the ancient streets of Kyoto We bring you our interpretation of street dance! In the Japanese culture, Kyoto is known for it’s beauty and being a true definition of what Japanese culture is!
You tell us what you think!
If you are feeling the video and want to share some old school meet new school Japanese culture, please SHARE!!!
All in all, we are sharing the Japanese culture with the world ,we hope this video may inspire you to come take a trip to Japan and visit unforgettable places like Kyoto!

Dancer : MIZUKA , Anna , KARIN , yumena , AOI , miwa ,Yuma , urara , HICO , asa , HARU , MAO , HINA , AIRI , Saku , NARU

Camera : 飯阪宗麻(NOLCA SOLCA Film)
Choreographers : Mizuka , Anna
Music : @Clozeemusic


  1. 夜光鯨『白い鯨』

  2. ステージタイガー『I CONTACT(2019)』

  3. ステージタイガー『ブルースターナックル!』

  4. 松原市文化会館 × ステージタイガー『ハンドポケット・カフェ』

  5. ショートフィルム『山登り』

  6. 漫才ライブ・ともだち初単独ライブ『となりのトモダチ』